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Problems to be considered in the design of gift boxes


In recent years, with the change of our consumers' aesthetic concept when buying food and products, it has also affected the internal and external requirements of our enterprises and companies when producing products. The internal means that the products and services produced by our enterprises and companies must guarantee the quality, External means that our products and products and services produced by the company must be well packaged. Then the manufacturer of gift packaging box will explain to you what problems need to be considered in the design of gift packaging box?

Color application skills of gift box packaging design

The color of packaging is different due to different cultural backgrounds. Chinese people advocate red, and also prefer yellow and orange. In Chinese traditional concepts, red represents festivity and enthusiasm; Bright yellow is the exclusive color of Chinese emperors. Yellow has authority, brilliance, wisdom and nobility; And orange reflects the meaning of yang, vitality and happy life. Therefore, the Chinese people mainly use red, yellow and orange tones on the gift packaging of festive festivals to reflect the festive atmosphere of jubilant warmth.

Consider the beauty and grade of the design

Gift box packaging is an important part of the modern packaging system. How to reflect the etiquette and sense of worth of gifts in material, structure, graphics and text is the first thing designers need to study. At the same time, gifts are associated with human beautiful feelings, expressing people's praise of humanity, attitude to morality, pursuit of beauty, and annotation of honesty. Because of this, the design of gift packaging is extraordinary in the field of packaging design.

 Gift box manufacturer

At the same time, gift packaging is also a place for designers to display their talents. With the development of society, people have learned to use packaging to enhance the content of "gift" in gifts, that is to say, packaging should be used to cover the culture of gifts, reflecting the level of gifts.

Application Skills of Gift Box Packaging Design

The "octagonal bag", which is widely used in the folk in China, is the packaging of various local products, medicinal materials, and cakes. The square red paper is attached to the full and specific shape of the square, so the simple yellowish rough paper is matched with the red paper, and a kind of celebration will spring up. Happiness, good fortune, good luck and good luck will be passed on to each other along with the packaging and gifts. In modern gift packaging, warm colors such as red and yellow are still the mainstream of gift packaging colors, which are deeply loved by consumers. The cultural nature of gift packaging can also be reflected in graphics.

Reflect culture

Gift box designers should know more about the structural mechanics of the packaging container, the attributes of the packaging contents, the cultural background behind the contents, and the rational allocation of resources to reflect the word "gift". China is a "nation of ceremonies", not only has a splendid culture, but also has a very long history of gift packaging. Lacquer ware is a famous gift package in ancient China. It is said that the story of "buying a cask to return a pearl" happened in the Warring States Period reflects the accuracy of the quality of such handicrafts from the side: "smoked with cinnamon pepper, decorated with pearl jade, decorated with roses, and compiled with jadeite".

These are the relevant knowledge of the issues that need to be considered in the design of gift packaging boxes. From this point of view, no matter what style and functional characteristics of the gift, we must pay attention to the design of your product's packaging box, and also pay attention to reasonable and scientific design, so that the beautiful gift packaging box can also have practical use significance.

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